GRE Vocabulary Power (9-85)
Vocabulary Cards: 32
- 1.
- reject
- mock
- show contempt for
- scorn
- 2.
- reclining
- lying down completely or in part
- 3.
- cheat
- swindle
- 4.
- rate of occurrence
- particular occurrence
- 5.
- animal, plant, or natural object serving as a symbol of a clan or family
- representation of this
- 6.
- something long-lasting
- perennial plant
- ADJ: lasting through the year or many years
- lasting for a long time
- enduring
- 7.
- sit on in order to hatch
- think deeply or worry anxiously
- N: the young of certain animals
- group of young birds hatched at one time
- 8.
- lower
- degrade
- humiliate
- make humble
- make (oneself) lose self-respect
- 9.
- conciliate
- make peaceful
- ADJ. propitiatory
- appease
- 10.
- unprejudiced
- free from bias and self-interest
- objective
- 11.
- repair or make whole by using a metal alloy
- N: metal alloy (usually tin and lead) used in the molten state to join metallic parts
- 12.
- discipline
- punish in order to correct
- 13.
- disobedient and stubborn
- unmanageable
- 14.
- article treating a subject systematically and thoroughly
- 15.
- neat
- skillful
- 16.
- small exclusive group of people
- 17.
- lash
- whip (formerly used for punishment)
- source of severe punishment
- V: whip
- afflict
- 18.
- wandering
- traveling from place to place (to perform work)
- 19.
- (of people or their behavior) respectful
- obedient (filled with a sense of duty)
- 20.
- sound on judgment
- wise
- 21.
- informal
- happening by chance
- occasional
- showing or feeling little interest
- irregular
- 22.
- thunder
- explode
- issue a severe denunciation
- 23.
- outside edge especially of a round surface
- perimeter
- 24.
- destroy or wear away gradually by chemical action (over a long period)
- 25.
- rash
- headfirst
- hasty
- ADV.
- 26.
- pommel
- beat or pound with fists
- 27.
- renounce
- give up (position, right, or responsibility)
- 28.
- (esp. of an expression of the face) twisted
- with a humorous twist (expressing displeasure)
- 29.
- fastening or lock consisting of a movable bar that fits into a notch
- V: close with a latch
- 30.
- yield
- admit
- acknowledge as being true (often reluctantly)
- grant
- 31.
- invioably sacred
- most sacred
- inviolable
- 32.
- vague
- dark and gloomy
- thick with fog
- gloom