GRE Vocabulary Power (3-27)
Vocabulary Cards: 30
- 1.
- adjust
- get one's bearings
- make familiar with a situation
- orientate
- 2.
- Christian religious ceremony
- 3.
- public square of an ancient Roman city
- public place for open discussion
- court of law
- 4.
- pretense of ignorance of something wrong
- assistance
- permission to offend
- cooperate secretly in an illegal action
- conspire
- 5.
- dull
- drowsy
- 6.
- baffle
- block or hinder
- frustrate
- 7.
- lost in thought
- preoccupied
- confused
- 8.
- person who appeals to people's prejudice
- false leader of people
- 9.
- rant
- scold
- complain bitterly
- 10.
- contact that keeps parties in communication
- communication between groups
- one that maintains communication
- secret love affair
- go-between
- 11.
- not good-looking
- unattractive
- 12.
- holding one's attention
- absorbing
- engrossing
- 13.
- (of a person or book) learned
- full of learning
- scholarly
- 14.
- willful
- determined to have one's own way
- stubborn
- unyielding
- 15.
- condescend
- stoop
- 16.
- kindly
- soft
- mild
- of good family
- 17.
- in utter disorder
- 18.
- bear one's self
- behave
- 19.
- rejoice
- 20.
- minimal number of members necessary to conduct a meeting
- 21.
- unnoticeable
- impossible to perceive
- undetectable
- 22.
- excessive
- unscrupulous
- not guided by conscience
- beyond reason
- 23.
- point or time at which the sun is farthest from the equator
- 24.
- sensual
- fleshly
- concerning the desires of the body
- 25.
- unintentionally
- by oversight
- carelessly
- 26.
- slanderous remark
- 27.
- work of art put together from fragments
- 28.
- gruesome
- horrible
- wild
- graphic
- sensational
- 29.
- copy
- 30.
- remaining
- left over
- of a residue
- N: residue