GRE Vocabulary Power (2-18)
Vocabulary Cards: 34
- 1.
- declare openly
- 2.
- equip
- 3.
- remembering
- honoring the memory of
- 4.
- prove to be false
- disprove
- 5.
- V-shaped cut in a surface
- 6.
- prohibit
- retard or prevent
- restrain
- 7.
- mixed up
- jumbled
- distorted
- 8.
- slow-thinking stupid person
- 9.
- great shock
- dismay
- 10.
- self-evident truth
- 11.
- lofty
- immaterial
- of air
- high in the air
- unreal
- 12.
- scolding woman
- very small mouselike animal
- 13.
- quiet
- less intense
- quieter
- make less intense
- 14.
- a light meal
- collating
- 15.
- windstorm
- gust of wind
- emotional outburst (laughters, tears)
- 16.
- list (of names)
- 17.
- neat
- neat and trim (in appearance)
- (of small men) neat in appearance and quick in movements
- spry
- 18.
- lover of luxury
- person devoted to pleasure and luxury
- 19.
- deceive
- delude
- 20.
- minor fight
- minor battle in war
- 21.
- face (as showing the character and the mind)
- art of judging human character from facial features
- 22.
- pester
- annoy continually with demands
- persuade by asking again and again
- N: a kind of mountain animal
- 23.
- ridicule
- treat with contempt
- make fun of
- OP. respect
- 24.
- fleet of warships
- 25.
- leave helpless on a deserted island or coast
- ADJ. red brown
- 26.
- animosity
- hostile feeling or intent
- disposition
- hostility
- 27.
- brand
- token of disgrace
- characterize as disgraceful
- 28.
- mania for doing grandiose things
- mental disorder characterized by delusions of wealth, power, or importance
- 29.
- satiate
- feed or supply to excess
- stuff
- indulge to excess in anything
- N: surfeiting
- excessive amount
- 30.
- case for a sword blade
- sheath
- 31.
- value
- judge
- respect
- 32.
- wild tumult(commotion)
- wild noisy disorder
- 33.
- holding
- able to retain things (esp. facts in the mind)
- having a good memory
- 34.
- bantering
- joking